Partners in Change (PIC) is without doubt an aggressive and visionary plan to significantly affect Atlanta's biggest threat — the severe economic challenges of so many of her people.
Rather than create a new addition to the crisis service model, PIC applies coaching's proven strategies to under-resourced adults, enabling individuals to self-empower and change the trajectory of their lives.

PIC connects trained volunteer Coaches with under-resourced adult community Members who are aspiring to reach new goals and desire the partnership of a Coach.
PIC Coaches connect weekly with their Members as authentic and committed one-to-one partners in their Members' efforts to move their lives forward in meaningful ways.

Driven by Volunteer Power

PIC recruits volunteers from Volunteer Partner Organizations — such as corporations, colleges, not-for-profit, and faith groups — to become Partners in Change Coaches.
PIC builds relationships with Community Partner Organizations — community-based groups — that recommend clients interested in working with a PIC Coach and becoming Partners in Change Members.
With PIC Success...
​Members set and achieve goals that are important to them, become more confident in their decision-making and problem-solving skills, and fully realize the power within them to achieve new goals, leading to positive outcomes for themselves and their family.
Coaches gain skills in mentoring others, discover truths about the impacts of poverty, and grow their commitment to the responsibilities of citizenship. (see full Benefits sheet)
PIC's innovative and scalable model takes the proven results of smaller nonprofit coaching programs for those seeking to change their lives, and scales it up to reach thousands via a cost-effective, volunteer-driven structure.
According to Neighborhood Nexus, the City of Atlanta has 60,000+ working-age adults living in poverty, and Atlanta is ranked lowest in the country in terms of economic mobility.
In five years. PIC seeks to have reached 5000 under-resourced adults, positively affecting neighborhoods, schools, and communities, and creating a tipping point in Atlanta's effort to substantially reduce poverty.
PIC's vision is to replicate our Member-Coach recruitment and training model in additional cities, growing the number of under-resourced community members who can access supportive partners as they self-empower and move their lives forward.

UNITED WAY gave Partners in Change its first FUNDING contract. Its volunteer Coach program is exploring a very powerful model. WE look forward to continuing OUR support, and would consider future funding if Partners in Change continues to make progress in attracting a large number of coaches.
Protip Biswas
Vice President for Homelessness & Place-Based Initiatives
United Way of Greater Atlatna